Scanned Old Pictures
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hrhs 1966 20th year reunion(jpg)
Wed 05/20/15
jr high basketball teams(jpg)
Wed 05/20/15
jr high basketball teams(jpg)
Wed 05/20/15
jr high basketball teams(jpg)
Wed 05/20/15
jr high basketball teams(jpg)
Wed 05/20/15
Alex at chess with someone somewhere(jpg)
Tue 05/19/15
Alex at chess with someone somewhere(jpg)
Tue 05/19/15
Alex at Contes 1970 xmax(jpg)
Tue 05/19/15
Alex at Contes 1970 xmax(jpg)
Tue 05/19/15
someone in Sydney from Vancouver see wide angle of street character we laughed(jpg)
Tue 05/19/15
Tue 05/19/15
Alex and Red 1969 70 at Tan Son Nhut(jpg)
Tue 05/19/15
Alex Trudi and others(jpg)
Wed 09/01/10
eric alex tom andy xmax card(jpg)
Sat 12/27/08
hr 1967 002(jpg)
Sun 11/16/08
hr 1967 001(jpg)
Sun 11/16/08
grandma lv 1967 002(jpg)
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Sun 11/16/08
alex lv garage 1967 002(jpg)
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Sun 11/16/08
buzz alex lv garage 1967 002(jpg)
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Sun 11/16/08
alex lv garage 1967 001(jpg)
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Sun 11/16/08
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Tue Sep 24 23:16:44 2024